Complete useful tasks that actual carry over into professional development
Create the coding dojo anywhere on your machine and use your favourite editor
Pull down up to 3 katas per day as a warm up for the day or after some time off
Currently Supported
Support Coming 2025
1) Start by building your dojo
Run the above command where you want the dojo directory to be created
2) Pull down your first kata
See the list of commands for your dojo here
3) Start coding
Open with your preferred text editor and write a solution
4) Check how you're doing
Test your solution
5) Complete the kata
Save the kata and mark it as complete - logging your scores and times
6) Repeat
And back to step 3
£199 4 months free
Billed yearly £72
per month per month
£7939 4 months free
Billed yearly £312
per month per month